

Jump to: Former Digital Fellows, Visiting Scholars & Associates; Steering Committee; Alumni.


Professor Howard Hotson

Project Director /

Howard Hotson is Professor of Early Modern Intellectual History at the University of Oxford, based at St Anne’s College. He has published widely on the intellectual movements and networks of the early modern world and served as the director for the EU COST Action Reassembling the Republic of Letters. In consultation with the Steering Committee he sets and oversees the overall direction of both Cultures of Knowledge and the AHRC-funded Networking Archives project.


Miranda Lewis

Editor, EMLO /

Miranda Lewis is the editor of Early Modern Letters Online [EMLO]. She has worked as an editor and copy-writer for publishers, libraries, museums, and a range of online scholarly resources. An alumnus of the Courtauld Institute, where she specialized in early modern portraiture, she takes responsibility for the metadata and catalogues within EMLO. In her spare time, she writes, walks, and works locally to help raise awareness about climate change and biodiversity loss.


Millie Gall

Editorial and Administrative Assistant /

Millie Gall studied Classics at the universities of Oxford and Leiden before teaching Latin and Greek in secondary school. Having spent rather a lot of time happily immersed in ancient letters, she is delighted to be exploring the world of early modern correspondence as EMLO’s editorial and administrative assistant. In her spare time, she enjoys bellringing, playing the piano, squash, and long bike rides in the countryside.


John Pybus

Developer /

John Pybus has degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science. He has worked at the Oxford e-Research Centre since its opening as part of the Building a Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities project and he has contributed to many projects building digital infrastructure, supporting Digital Humanities projects, and enabling collaborative use of research data. He began work with Early Modern Letters Online on a part-time basis in autumn 2019.


EMLO Digital Fellows

Alice Ahearn

Alice Ahearn completed her PhD in Classical Languages and Literature at the University of Oxford. Her research compared recent English versions of Ovid’s Heroides for page and stage, exploring how each reflected the translator’s personal and sociopolitical concerns. She was also interested in the poems’ popularity in the Early Modern period—including in private correspondence—and their role in the development of epistolary fiction. Outside work, she is a published creative writer and translator, and enjoys playing folk music and fixing (and riding) bicycles.


Sara Joswig

Sara Joswig studied History and English at the University of Aberdeen and currently is reading for an MSc in Digital Scholarship at the University of Oxford. She is interested in Ethiopian history, the history of slavery, and all kinds of historical correspondence. In her free time she draws, reads, and dreams of mapping all the gargoyles in Oxford.


Georgie Newson

Georgie Newson is a PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. Her work focuses on the ways in which complex systems have been imagined as cognitive agents across a range of historical and scientific contexts. Her MPhil, completed at Cambridge, looked at the ‘universal philosophical languages’ of the early Royal Society, a world she has enjoyed revisiting through working with EMLO.


EMLO volunteers

Conrad Flanagan

Conrad Flanagan is volunteering with EMLO during time out from his studies. He is interested in maritime history, in the history of conflict, and in how and why diplomacy fails and dialogue breaks down.


Former EMLO Digital Fellows, Visiting Scholars, and Associates


Cristiano Amendola

Cristiano Amendola

Cristiano Amendola is a DPhil. student in Italian Philology at ‘Transitions. Unité de recherches sur le Moyen Âge et la Première Modernité’ at Liège University, where he is also one of the editors for the EpistolART Project. His personal research is focused on rhetorical and material aspects of letter-writing during the Italian Renaissance, he is a member of the research group directed by Professor Paola Moreno, working on the critical edition of Francesco Guicciardini’s letters. Currently he is preparing a critical edition of Felice Feliciano’s autograph letters.


Dr Jack Avery

Jack Avery has recently completed a PhD on seventeenth-century newswriting and satire as part of the Collaborate Doctoral Partnership scheme, split between the University of Bristol, the National Archives, and the National Maritime Museum. While particularly interested in the relationship between news, propaganda, and popular literary culture, he also has time for maritime readers and Anglo-Dutch literature. His interest in the movement of (dis)information around northern Europe means he is excited to help with EMLO. In his free moments he tries to exercise, but mostly just reads, cooks, and plays board games.


Dr Antonia Bertschinger

Antonia Bertschinger holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Basel and an MA in War in the Modern World from King’s College, London. She has worked as a human rights expert, as an academic project manager, and as a journalist. Currently, she is researching and writing a historical novel set in the Grisons region of Switzerland in the 17th century, which involves a lot of manuscript sources in different scripts and languages as well as ordering and structuring people and complex series of events. Working on EMLO metadata fits in perfectly with this research.


Mary Chadwick

Dr Mary Chadwick

Mary Chadwick gained her PhD in eighteenth-century British literature from Aberystwyth University. Her research, the subject of her forthcoming book, explores national and gendered identities as they are apparent in the manuscript cultures of British gentry communities, with a particular focus on Welsh men and women. Subsequently, Mary has worked with early modern correspondence on The Mostyn Project and The Anne Clifford Project.



Dr Randolph Cock

Randolph Cock studied psychology and artificial intelligence before becoming a computer programmer and sometime motorcycling fiend. His doctorate concerned science and the Royal Navy, and he is the co-author, with Prof. Nicholas Rodger, of A Guide to the Naval Records in the National Archives of the UK. He has been a Research Fellow at Exeter and Liverpool Universities and, for EMLO, has worked on the letters of Edward Lhwyd and Henry Oldenburg.


Cristina Erquiaga

Cristina Erquiaga is a doctoral student at the University of Salamanca. In her thesis she examines the network of the Spanish intellectual Miguel de Unamuno through the lens of his correspondence and looks at the role of intellectuals in nation-building, the international networks of correspondence, and the importance of culture in international relations. Her work in EMLO focusses on the correspondence of the Spanish humanists Juan Luis Vives and Hernán Núñez [El Pinciano].



Dr Antonio Geremicca

Antonio Geremicca attained a doctorate in Art History at the University of Pisa in 2011. He was an Associate Fellow at the Fondazione Roberto Longhi in Florence and a postdoctoral researcher at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence. In 2013 he achieved a two-year Marie Curie Cofunded post-doc fellowship at the University of Liège where currently he is involved with EpistolART, a research project which focuses on the letters of Renaissance artists.



Dr Luca Guariento

Luca Guariento was awarded BA and MA in Musicology at the University of Bologna, Italy. Following his master dissertation which focussed on Robert Fludd’s De templo musicæ (1618), he continued and widened the horizons of his research on Fludd’s philosophy with a PhD at the University of Glasgow. He is currently Systems Developer for the Bass Culture in Scottish Musical Traditions and Project Assistant for The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen.


Constance Hardesty

Constance Hardesty completed her MSc recently in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology at Oxford University. Her dissertation analysed the seventeenth-century correspondence network linking the Royal Society with groups in Dublin and Oxford. She is interested in how ideas and practices spread, the social setting and logistics of correspondence networks, and the role of correspondence in publishing. Previously, she was editor-in-chief of the American Animal Hospital Association.


Dr Georgiana Hedesan

Dr Georgiana (Jo) Hedesan specializes in the history of alchemy, with a focus on medical alchemy, Paracelsianism, and Helmontianism. Her first book, An Alchemical Quest for Universal Knowledge: The ‘Christian Philosophy’ of Jan Baptist Van Helmont (1579–1644), was published in 2016. Recently she concluded a Wellcome Trust Research Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical History and Humanities and a Junior Research Fellowship of Wolfson College at Oxford, researching universal medicine and radical prolongation of life in early modern alchemy. She acquired her PhD from Exeter University in 2012 with a dissertation on the Flemish alchemist Jan Baptist Van Helmont.


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Dr Lucy Hennings

Lucy Hennings holds a BA (Hons) in History and a MSt in Medieval History from the University of Oxford. She has recently completed her doctorate, exploring the ways in which administrative networks of learned clerks transmitted papal rhetoric into the government of Henry III. She is particularly interested in dictaminal practice and the importance of letter-writing style. In her free time she enjoys reading, travelling, and embroidery.


Dr Alex Hitchman

Alex Hitchman has recently completed his PhD — which looked at legal and religious justifications used in cheap print during the first English civil war — at the University of Sheffield. He is interested in the relationships between ideas and events and those between law and politics, and in using bibliographic and typographic techniques to identify the printers of anonymously printed works. His future research will focus on royalism, especially the polemical writing of Edward Hyde


Dr Karen Hollewand

Karen Hollewand gained her DPhil in History at the University of Oxford. She was born in Groningen and moved to Oxford for her doctoral studies. Her thesis concentrated on Dutch humanist scholar Hadriaan Beverland (1650–1716), who was banished from the Dutch Republic in 1679 for his radical ideas on sex, the Bible, and the Classics, and who spent most of his life in exile in England. In addition to studying history, she loves to play volleyball, to eat sushi, to watch the Tour de France, to read biographies, and to drink coffee with Miranda in the office.



Dr Marc Kolakowski

Marc Kolakowski, a doctoral student at Université de Lausanne, spent the academic year of 2014–2015 as an intern with EMLO in Oxford, funded by a Doctoral Mobility Study Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS). Marc divided his time between his research on Johann Wilhelm Stucki and work in EMLO on closely related correspondences of Swiss Reformed academics, such as Theodor Zwinger and Amandus Polanus. He is a keen hiker and skier, and a valued member of the team.



Dr Iva Lelkova

Iva Lelková received her PhD at Charles University in Prague in 2011. She took part in the Mapping the Republic of Letters project as a Fulbright grantee at Stanford University where she worked on Athanasius Kircher’s correspondence. She was a Comenius fellow in the Cultures of Knowledge project between 2010 and 2015, working on the correspondence of J. A. Comenius and on the prosopography of the Hartlib circle. She is interested in early modern intellectual history and the history of science.


Dr Rhys Kaminski-Jones

Rhys Kaminski-Jones has recently completed a PhD at the University of Wales, having previously gained a BA in English at Oxford and an MA in Eighteenth Century Studies at York. His doctoral thesis examines the role of Ancient Britons in Welsh and British identities during the long eighteenth century. As a Welsh-speaking English graduate researching British cultural history, he is particularly interested in the relationship between anglophone and Celtic-speaking cultures, in literary antiquarianism and Romanticism, and in the politics of Celtic revivalism. He is delighted to be working with EMLO, whose catalogue of Edward Lhwyd’s letters makes his life immeasurably easier.



Dr Katie McKeogh

Katie McKeogh is a doctoral student in the History Faculty working on culture and identity in the circle of Sir Thomas Tresham (1543–1605) and is interested in early modern religious and cultural history more broadly. She is co-convenor of a research network at TORCH (Early Modern Catholicism) and has presented her research at numerous conferences and seminars.


Brett Mottram

Dr Brett Mottram

Brett Mottram completed his PhD at the University of East Anglia, his MA in the Culture of the European Renaissance at the University of Warwick, and his BA in English Literature from the University of East Anglia. His research covers diverse areas of medieval and early modern cultural and intellectual history, often related to classical reception, and his internship at EMLO in 2017 rekindled his interest in early modern scholarship. Brett teaches on the CHASE-funded ‘Latin for Medievalists and Early Modernists’ course, and also tutors private clients.


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Dr Callum Seddon

Callum Seddon gained his DPhil in English at the University of Oxford, having previously studied at the University of Edinburgh. His thesis was a study of manuscript circulation and textual transmission, with a particular focus on the poet William Strode (1601/2–1645). His other research interests include seventeenth-century drama and poetry, manuscript verse miscellanies, and textual editing.


Hanna Sinclair

Hanna Sinclair is a ‘vintage’ student from Canada, currently working part-time towards an MSt in Early Modern History at the University of Oxford. She is interested in the cultural history of the Italian Renaissance, and her research focusses on manifestations of strength and power in sixteenth-century Ferrara, utilising art and material evidence as well as popular literature to illustrate how the Dukes used propaganda to preserve their territories’ sovereignty during the Italian Wars. In addition to EMLO, Hanna volunteers at the Ashmolean, and (alongside her husband) is raising two daughters.



Kat Steiner

Kat Steiner studied Mathematics and Philosophy at the Queen’s College, Oxford, finishing in 2012. Under the supervision of Jackie Stedall, she wrote in her final year a dissertation on Descartes’s geometry. Now working for the Bodleian Libraries, she has completed a part-time Masters at UCL in Information Science, but she has been unable to shake off a fascination with early modern mathematics, and is thrilled to find an outlet for her enthusiasm at EMLO!


Dr Esther van Raamsdonk

Esther van Raamsdonk holds a PhD in English from the University of Exeter. It examined Anglo-Dutch relations in the seventeenth century. At the moment, she is working on her forthcoming book on Milton, Marvell, and the Dutch Republic. Her work for EMLO focusses on the Dutch church in London. Besides revelling in ‘all things Milton’, she likes to paint and hike in North Wales.


Tim Wade

Tim Wade is a current MPhil student at the History Faculty. His work centres on ideas surrounding conscience, heresy, and faith in the work of Thomas More (1478–1535). More broadly, he is interested in the intellectual and religious history of the early modern period. Outside of history, he plays football and is a keen guitarist and an enthusiast of poetry and theatre.


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Dr Sarah Ward

Sarah Ward’s DPhil focused on North-East Wales 1640–88: Civil War, Restoration and Revolution. She studied for it at St Catherine’s College, Oxford, after being awarded the College Scholarship (Arts) in 2014. Sarah is particularly interested in the persistent allegiance of the gentry to the Church of England and the monarchy in the 1650s and throughout the period. Her work uses large collections of family correspondence as well as official correspondence between the localities and the centre. She has written a number of A-level textbooks and worked as administrator for the Local Population Studies Society and Journal.


Helen Watt

Helen Watt studied Modern Languages at Oxford and Archives Administration at the University of Wales. She has taken part in a number of archival and research database projects, including the Welsh Manorial Records Database Project at the National Library of Wales and the E 179 Records of English and Welsh Lay and Clerical Taxation Projects. From 2010–12 she worked with CofK and CAWCS (University of Wales) on Edward Lhwyd’s correspondence and in 2017 calendared Elias Ashmole’s letters for EMLO. After work on a pilot for the Archbishops’ Registers Revealed Project at the University of York, she completed the project to index online the registers for 1576–1650.



Dr Elizabeth Williamson

Elizabeth Williamson was Digital Project Manager for Cultures of Knowledge from 2013–15 and continues to work with CofK as a consultant from her current base in Baltimore. She completed her PhD on early modern diplomatic correspondence in 2012. Her current research looks at the archival afterlife and contemporary function of letters and letter-books as part of a wider study on diplomacy and the history of political information. She is a member of the COST network ‘Reassembling the Republic of Letters’. Connect with her on Twitter,, or LinkedIn.


Francesco Zambonin

Francesco Zambonin is an Italian undergraduate student in History. At present, he is taking his first steps in the fascinating world of seventeenth-century Europe, with a particular focus on strategies of identity building and acculturation. When not studying in Padua or roaming the world, he enjoys relaxing in the Dolomites, where he loves to climb, hike, and ski. Besides being a ravenous reader, he often tries his hand at painting.


Steering Committee



Dr Philip Beeley



Professor David De Roure
Oxford e-Research Centre



Dr Kathryn Eccles
Oxford Internet Institute



Professor Rob Iliffe


Neil Jeffries

Neil Jefferies
Bodleian Libraries



Sir Noel Malcolm



Dr Robert McNamee
Electronic Enlightenment

Judith Siefring
Bodleian Libraries






Renhart Gittens



Dr Mark Thakkar
University of St. Andrews



Michael Popham
Bodleian Libraries



Yvonne Aburrow



Dr Will Poole
University of Oxford



Dr James Brown
Intoxicants and Early Modernity, University of Sheffield



Dr Katerina Hornickova
University of Salzburg



Dr Kelsey Jackson Williams
University of Oxford



Dr Kim McLean-Fiander
The Map of Early Modern London, University of Victoria



Dr Leigh Penman
University of Queensland



Dr Anna Marie Roos
University of Lincoln



Sushila (Sue) Burgess
Bodleian Libraries




Professor Peter Harrison
University of Queensland


Robin Miranda

Dr Robin Buning
Huygens ING


Neil Jeffries

Neil Jefferies
Bodleian Libraries



Dr Eetu Mäkela
Aalto University


Gray Jones

Tanya Gray-Jones
Bodleian Libraries



Monica Messaggi-Kaya
Bodleian Libraries


Matthew Wilcoxson
Bodleian Libraries


Arno Bosse
KNAW Humanities Cluster


Professor Richard Sharpe (1954–2020)


Charlotte Marique
EMLO’s former Editorial Assistant

Thanks are due to these pioneering Digital Fellows, work experience students, and volunteers in earlier phases of the project

  • Raven Atkinson
  • Chelsea Brown
  • Martha Buckley
  • Bryony Davies
  • Uma Dodd
  • Rose Hedley
  • Dr Katharina Herold
  • Owen Hubbard
  • Georgie Newson
  • Katarina Padavick
  • Phoebe Stephenson
  • Dr Robin Usher
  • Catherine Wright
  • Milena Zeidler